February 18, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
  • Ct somali
  • Ct somali news
  • Brooks Ct Somali

A Voice for Somali-Canadians Nationwide

Ct Somali is a news and information platform created by experienced Somali journalist Mohammed Abdullahi Adan, who lives in Alberta, Canada. Mohammed started Ct Somali because he saw that Somali-Canadian communities needed a media source to keep them informed and empowered.

At first, the platform hosted conversations and interviews with Somali-Canadians who had lived in Canada for a long time, collecting their advice and experiences to help newer Somali immigrants. In a short time, Ct Somali has become very popular within the Somali-Canadian community, quickly gaining lots of followers on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook groups.

Engaging Somali Communities Across Canada and Beyond

Our goal is to reach all Somali communities across Canada. Currently, our audience is primarily based in Somalia, followed by Canada, with the rest of the world making up the smallest percentage of our reach.






Brooks Ct Somali

Meet Our Team

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Mohammed Abdullahi Adan

Manager and Author

Ashley Riordan

Art Director

Albert Coleman

Marketing Head

Clemens Steiner

Manager & QC