who we are

About Us

Ct Somali celebrates the vibrant tapestry of Somali-Canadian experiences. As the premier hub for locally-produced Somali-Canadian content, we offer a wealth of engaging resources in Somali, ensuring an inclusive and authentic platform for our community.

Explore insightful articles and discover multimedia content – every piece is dedicated to highlighting the diversity and achievements of Somali Canadians.

Join us at Ct Somali, where every story celebrates our shared heritage.

Somali Canadians

What we Do

Our primary causes

“Our commitment to news and information is vital, especially for newcomers finding their place in Canada,” says Mohammed, Ct Somali’s founder. “We build community by delivering reliable updates on events and resources relevant to Somali Canadians.”

Ct Somali also amplifies diverse voices within the community. Our interview series spotlights Somali Canadians with years of experience, offering insights and inspiration for those new to the country.


Language barriers

Language barriers shouldn’t limit access to vital information. That’s why Ct Somali delivers news, resources, and community stories in Somali, bridging the gap for newcomers and ensuring everyone stays informed.

Community building

Feeling connected is essential to thriving in a new country. Ct Somali shares stories of Somali Canadians, their struggles and their triumphs, helping newcomers find common ground and build a sense of belonging.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (235)-135-6213