October 18, 2024
Calgary Alberta

Google for Somali Business: Unlocking Global Growth in the Digital Age

The Somali community is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, which has established thriving businesses worldwide. Yet, many of these enterprises face a common challenge: growth plateaus due to a primary focus on serving only their own community. This limitation affects Somali-owned businesses both within Somalia and in the diaspora.

Despite being avid social media users, discussions within the Somali community rarely touch on how digital tools can propel business growth. In our increasingly digital world, embracing modern technology is vital for Somali entrepreneurs to reach new customers and expand their ventures.

Mohammed Adan, founder of If SEO, a digital marketing agency in Alberta, Canada, is leading the charge. Recognizing the potential of digital tools, Mohammed is creating educational videos in Somali, specifically teaching entrepreneurs how to leverage Google’s suite of programs, particularly Google My Business, to attract local customers.

Qeeybtii 2-aad ee Sida ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed uga faa'ideysan karaan Google

Qeeybtii 2-aad ee Sida ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed uga faa'ideysan karaan Google My Business Profile. Qeeybtaan waxay ka hadlaysaa sida Google looga dalbado milkiyada page kaaga haddii aadan ogeyn cidda Google ku dartay magaca ganacsigaaga.

Posted by Mohammed Abdullahi Adan on Monday, May 27, 2024

Thanks to Mohammed’s impactful Facebook videos, Google My Business, a free tool enabling businesses to manage their online presence across Google Search and Maps, has gained traction among Somali entrepreneurs. Registering their businesses on the platform ensures their products and services are easily discoverable by potential customers, a crucial step for expanding visibility and attracting a wider clientele.

Inspired by Mohammed’s informative videos, Somali entrepreneurs actively embrace Google My Business. But Mohammed’s commitment goes beyond awareness. He also hosts free webinars, equipping Somali business owners with practical digital marketing skills to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Digital marketing is no longer optional for Somali businesses to expand beyond their traditional customer base. Tools like Google My Business offer a valuable starting point, providing increased visibility and accessibility in our increasingly digital world.

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