What People Are Saying

“A must watch videos and YouTube channel for the local communities!
Informative and educational material provided by persons guided by professionalism!”

“Providing good service and information to it’s community service”

“its very crucial some one speaking ur language, so i like the ct.

“Maashallah this is very helpful for everyone . I love CT+somali . You open our eyes 👀 again I am appreciate you guys thanks”

“mansha allah runtii shaqo fiican ayaad bushada uheydaan wana idunku bogadinayaa.
lkn dadka pageka kuxiran inta badan waa dad ubaahi qabo imaanshaha canada.
sidaa dardeet waxaan idinka rajeyneenaa inaat xooga saartiin xogaha fududenaya imaanshaha canada mahadsanidiin”

“Is Xilqanka Ad SameyseN KoleY WaxaN RajeYnaaa In Uu Noqdo Mid Ay Ku MahdiyaN BulsHo BadaN Oo SamaliYed InsHa AllaH

Ctplus Brooks, Alberta
Somali community in Canada
Alberta Somali Community

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