welcome to Ct Somali

Oral Tradition in Somali Culture & Relevance to CT Somali

In Somali society, communication is primarily based on oral tradition, and poetry and music are important ways to express personal or group feelings, convey messages, and solve problems within the community. This is why it is important for Somalis to watch and listen to others speaking on platforms like CT Somali, where information and experiences can be shared and passed on in the Somali language. Through this exchange, Somali newcomers can learn about Canadian culture and navigate their new environment more easily and confidently.

Somali Canadians in Alberta

Yeah, I’ve been watching CT Somali to keep up with the news. They’ve been covering a lot about the job market and rental prices.


Hey, have you been keeping up with what’s been going on in Canada lately?

About Us

Helping Somali Community in Canada through Media

Our Mission & Vision

The mission of CT is to provide support, resources, and community to Somali newcomers in Canada through programs and services conducted in the Somali language. We aim to help newcomers better understand Canadian culture and integrate into Canadian society.


By providing daily updates through videos and online radio, CT Somali helps newcomers stay informed and aware of Covid-19.

Community Building

CT Somali is a platform that fosters love, community building, and support among its members. It provides a space for Somalis to connect and support each other in various aspects of their lives.


CT Somali provides daily education updates through videos and online radio to help newcomers stay informed and aware of the latest information about Covid-19.

Our Causes

What We Do

Our platform provides education and information to Somali communities across Canada through engaging and relevant content. We use various media to reach a wider audience and encourage community involvement and collaboration. Our goal is to provide resources for newcomers to thrive in their new home.


Community TV









Support Us

Reaching More Somali Communities Every Day.

At CT Somali, we are committed to reaching and serving every Somali community across Canada. With a goal of ensuring that no community is left out, we strive to connect with and provide support to Somali immigrants and refugees in every province and territory. By leveraging digital platforms such as online radio and video content, we aim to create a sense of community and foster a culture of support and love. With our dedicated team and growing network of supporters, we are confident that we can continue to reach and empower more Somali communities every day.

Our Facebook page followers
Our YouTube Subscribes
Our Instagram followers


Share your Somali success stories, tips for newcomers, and more by participating in our interviews and helping us inspire positive change and provide valuable information to the community.

Make a Donation

We often travel to other cities to gather stories and information, which can be costly. By donating to our cause, you can help us cover these expenses and continue reaching more Somali communities.

Become an ambassador

If you are passionate about our mission and want to help spread awareness, consider becoming an ambassador for CT Somali. You can write for our website in either English or Somali and help us reach more people with our message of love, community building, and support.


Contribute to a campaign

Our mission at CT Somali is to reach and serve every Somali community across Canada. We believe that by providing accurate and informative news, education, and entertainment in both Somali and English, we can help newcomers and established members of the Somali community stay connected and informed. However, we cannot achieve this mission alone. We rely on the contributions and support of community members like you to help us reach our goals. There are several ways that you can get involved and help us in our mission, including sharing your stories, donating to our cause, and becoming an ambassador in your local community. Together, we can ensure that every Somali community in Canada is heard and represented.

Learn how to get involved

Our platform is only made possible by the contributions of people like these, and we invite you to join us as well. If you’re interested in getting involved, please send us your email address or phone number and we’ll provide you with more details on how you can contribute.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Support.

Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (403) 800-1527